Why Should I Utilize VideoTeaching.com?

Just a couple of weeks ago, LifeChurch.tv launched their latest resource for churches all over the world called, VideoTeaching.com.

At first, I was a little skeptical, but after reviewing this resource over and over again, I am convinced this could be one of the greatest resources to churches worldwide.

So, what is VideoTeaching.com? Good Question.
VideoTeaching.com is an online library of video messages from gifted Christian communicators from all over the world…and it’s FREE! You can access video messages from ministry leaders like Frances Chan, Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, Craig Groeschel, Mark Driscoll, Dino Rizzo, Brian Houston, Paul Scanlon, Mark Batterson and many others.

So, why should I use VideoTeaching.com? That’s a better question.
VideoTeaching.com is not just about getting free video teaching messages. You need to look at the bigger picture of what LifeChurch.tv is providing here.
Today, you might be a pastor, student pastor, small group leader, or church volunteer that serves in a small, medium or mega-size church.  You are also a ministry leader that has felt the effects of this countries recession.

Let me ask two questions.
1.    Do you have the relational access to some or all the ministry leaders and communicators that are on VideoTeaching.com? For most of us that read this blog, probably not.
2.    In this recession when lots of churches are cutting back on guest ministry, do you have an abundance of financial resources to host some or all of these ministry leaders and communicators that are on VideoTeaching.com that includes air travel, lodging and honorarium expenses? Again, probably not right now.

So, you may not have the relational access to these ministry communicators and you might have limited financial resources. But, as a leader, I’m sure you still have a passion with a leadership responsibility to keep people (your church, small group and friends) exposed to additional perspectives, gifts and ministries in the Body of Christ.

A church or ministry can utilize VideoTeaching.com for different reasons. These reasons were listed on VideoTeaching.com.
1.    It can expand your teaching team – It can expose and introduce your church to additional perspectives by bringing in top teachers from around the world via video. Who would you like to speak at your church?
2.    Develop your ministry – You might be bi-vocational or maybe you’re planting a church. Either way, video teaching allows you to put more energy into reaching the community by freeing you up from weekly message preparation.
3.    Make a smooth transition – For churches who are without a pastor during a leadership transition, video messages can help with interim teaching. Line up your message calendar with ease so you focus on finding the right leader for your church.
4.    Take a break – Regular rest is essential for pastors who want to maintain a healthy ministry. Whether it’s a sabbatical or just a short vacation, video messages are an excellent way to bring quality teaching to your church during a pastor’s time off.

Your Thoughts?

Will the Evangelical World Collapse?


Michael Spencer iMonk

Today, I saw on the Yahoo News an interesting article by Michael Spencer, a post-modern evangelical who is also known for his blog, InternetMonk.com.

He wrote an interesting piece on how many mainstream denominations are suffering and are becoming more irrelevant to our western culture.

He pointed out some things that are very much right on the money.  Here are some samples of his article. There is  a lot more, but these are the points I found the most interesting.

Why Is This Going to Happen?

1. We Evangelicals have failed to pass on to our young people an orthodox form of faith that can take root and survive the secular onslaught. Ironically, the billions of dollars  we’ve spent on youth ministries, Christian music, publishing, and media has produced a culture of young Christians who know next to nothing about their faith except how they feel about it.

2. Evangelicals have identified their movement with the culture war and with political conservatism. This will prove to be a very costly mistake. Evangelicals will increasingly be seen as a threat to cultural progress.

3. There are three kinds of evangelical churches today: consumer-driven megachurches, dying churches, and new churches whose future is fragile.

4.The Money will dry up.

What Will Be left?

1. Aggressively, evangelistic fundamentalists churches will begin to disappear.

2. Charismatic-Pentecostal Christianity will become the majority report in evangelicalism. Can this community withstand heresy, relativism, and confusion? To do so, it must make a priority of Biblical authority, responsible leadership, and a reemergence of orthodoxy.

3. Evangelicalism needs a “rescue mission” from the world Christian community. It is time for missionaries to come to America from Asia and Africa. Will they come? Will they be able to bring to our culture a more vital form of Christianity?

So What Does All this Mean?

The article is expired on Yahoo News but you need to read the rest of the article on CSM, or you can go directly here and here and here.

After reading this article, I am convinced that if there were going to be some Evangelical collapse, it is due to the fact that the Christian community have created a sub-culture within media companies, businesses and churches that is seen as superior to the rest of our culture. I also believe that “The Church” has done a poor job in equipping the next generation in their walk with God as well as in their calling and destinies. When you go to youth groups, youth pastors entertain, instead of equip. When we go to church, we want our parishioners to feel comfortable in church instead of being challenged to grow spiritually.

One thing we need to remember is that Christian movements come and go. They last for season and then God sends a new wave of ministry that can impact the culture around us. Some trends of how we do church has run it’s course. I believe God is up to do a new thing in America today. But, He’s looking for leaders who are stuck on Him, not past church models.

Churches need to starting bringing their staff together and start giving their church a 360 degree evaluation and begin asking themselves the tough questions, like, “With our current ministry approach, style, and systems in place, will our church be able to last the next 10 years from now?”

But, I know one thing is for sure, “The Church” will last until Jesus comes for His Bride. The Church will be a bold and strong entity in the earth when the rapture comes. Because the truth of God’s Word will endure to all generations. However, your current methods of how you do ministry may NOT!

Your Thoughts?

The Blogging Church by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch

I want to recommend a book to all of you ministry bloggers out there, called The Blogging Church. Though released in January 2007, this book gives great insight and practical application on how to start a blog, tell your story, interact and engage  an audience you could have never reached. The blogging world has exploded and its time for the church to engage this technically-savvy and innovative generation.

Watch below a video clip by Brian Bailey and Terry Storch as they share with you about their book on The Blogging Church.

David After Dentist – The Highest Viewed YouTube Video In History!

“David After Dentist” Youtube video posted on January 30, 2009 and is one of the highest viewed youtube videos in history reaching over 3 million viewers as of February 5, 2009.  This Youtube video has been featured on E! NewsInside Edition, Wall Street Journal, and Time Magazine. It has also appeared on TV on The O’Reilly Factor, VH1, Fox News, CNN, and other local radio shows.

The ironic thing about this youtube media explosion is that David Devore Jr. is the son to David and Tessie Devore. And, Mrs. Tessie Devore is the Executive Vice President of the Book Group at Strang Communications, who I used to work for right after I finished college.  I remember when David Jr. would come into our office area and play and run around some times when I worked at Strang.  The Devore family and I also attended the same church in Orlando called The Gathering Place. The power of the Youtube phenomena is quite interesting to say the least. Never underestimate any form of media, even if its just  uploading a Youtube video. You’ll never know what could happen. I’m sure every dentist in the country would love to place their google ad’s on this youtube video.

Here is David After the Dentist!

Branding Faith by Phil Cooke – You Must Read This!

One of my favorite books I read last year was Branding Faith by Phil Cooke. I believe every non-profit organization needs to read this book! In March 2009 he will be releasing his next book, called The Last TV Evangelist: And Why The Next Generation Couldn’t Care Less about Religious Media. I can’t wait to read this one as well.

Watch the video as Phil gives you a complete book review on Branding Faith. Go visit his blog at Phil Cooke to learn more about how you can impact culture.

What Will The Future Be Like for Next Gen Leaders?

After you watch this video, it will be interesting to see how our generation will leverage the advancements of technology and creativity  to expand the borders of the gospel:

Check this out…A glimpse of the future!

The Church, The Brand & Perception – Pt. 5

Some churches know how to advertise great sermon series campaigns. A few come to mind. Well, these are my recommended favorites, but you are welcome to suggest others:

  • Ed Young / Fellowship Church
  • Perry Noble / New Spring
  • Steven Furtick / Elevation Church
  • Andy Stanley / North Point Community Church
  • Craig Groeschel/ Lifechurch.tv

How do these guys know how to promote a well engaged sermon series? A few things come into play:

  • Rich/depth sermon content
  • A dynamic creative team
  • An innovative technical team
  • A strategic marketing team

Here is one of my personal favorite sermon series promotional videos from Elevation Church led by Steven Furtick in Indian Trail, NC.  See Below! It’s awesome!

The Church, The Brand & Perception – Pt. 5

Some churches know how to advertise great sermon series campaigns. A few come to mind. Well, these are my recommended favorites, but you are welcome to suggest others:

  • Ed Young / Fellowship Church
  • Perry Noble / New Spring
  • Steven Furtick / Elevation Church
  • Andy Stanley / North Point Community Church
  • Craig Groeschel/ Lifechurch.tv

How do these guys know how to promote a well engaged sermon series? A few things come into play:

  • Rich/depth sermon content
  • A dynamic creative team
  • An innovative technical team
  • A strategic marketing team

Here is one of my personal favorite sermon series promotional videos from Elevation Church led by Steven Furtick in Indian Trail, NC. See Below! It’s awesome!

How to Talk to Girls! Consulting Advice from a 9 Yr. Old

I love the fact that kids are writing books. The next generation of leaders will be launching their careers at an early age. It’s a reality that a lot of people will need to get used to.  Enjoy the clip!