Tag Archive for: Healer

God Uses Ugly by Mike Foster

This past weekend I was listening to the amazing song “Healer” written by Mike Guglielmucci. Worshipers all over the world were crazy about this song and called it anointed by God.

That was until Mike’s world fell apart when he admitted to fabricating a story about having cancer. A story that negatively impacted the song “Healer” and the opinions about it.

People were rightfully angry and felt deceived. And so the song Mike had written just sort of disappeared and was dropped from worship set lists across the world.

So here is the idea I want us to discuss. It revolves around our temptation to dismiss the work of a fallen individual.

I believe whatever we are creating is in a constant state of redemption. Why? Because God sees the invisible pride, arrogance and deceit in our hearts as we are creating it. Even when no one else does. And yet he still chooses to use our stuff for beautiful things.

Read the rest of this article by visiting People of the Second Chance

About the Author: Mike Foster is co-founder of People of the Second Change. He also serves as the Creative Principal at Plain Joe Studios, a design firm that specializes in strategic ideation, interactive media, and environmental design. In addition to his role on Plain Joe’s executive team, Mike leads an innovative non profit organization called Ethur. He and his wife Jennifer live in Southern California with their two children. Follow Mike on Twitter HERE and Friend him on Facebook HERE.

What is People of the Second Change?

People of the Second Chance gives voice to a scandalous movement of radical grace in life and leadership. We challenge the common misconceptions about failure and success and stand with those who have hit rock bottom in their personal and professional lives. We are a community that is committed to stretch ourselves in the areas of relational forgiveness, personal transparency, and advocate for mercy over judgment.

We are not ashamed of our scars, wounds, or failures and leverage them as a source of strength and character development.

People of the Second Chance have experienced a second chance so we  actively support social justice organizations and advocate for the vulnerable, forgotten, and left behind.

We are People of the Second Chance.