Tag Archive for: Boundaries

Boundaries & Accountability – Part 3 (Financial Purpose)

Now, before we get started, I just want to go on record and say I’m not an expert in financial coaching. I will leave the financial coaching to guys I respect in the field like Dave Ramsey and his Financial Peace University. But, I do believe that having financial boundaries are extremely important. I believe that financial boundaries ignite purpose with your resources.

That’s why the Bible says in Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision; people cast of restraint.”

Where there are no boundaries, there is no restraint. And, where there is no restraint there is no vision.

You would be surprised at the people I have met throughout my life, very well known people I might add, who are always in trouble financially. They spend money they don’t have. And I’ve seen the opposite, people who have tons of money, but don’t drive their resources with any purpose or vision attached with it. They just spend and spend and spend. If they like it, they buy it. If they want it, they get it. And if both parties spend money they either do or don’t have…in the end they both become consumer driven individuals who have no vision with their financial resources.

I’ve seen poor and middle-class families become better visionaries over their resources then some rich families. And, I’ve seen rich families who are great stewards and vision developers with their resources than poor and middle-class families. It’s not an annual salary or your choice of career that determines your financial purpose; it’s your mindset on how you view money and how you manage it to serve your vision.

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Suggested Financial Purpose and Boundaries:
•    10% – Tithe to your church
•    10% – Tithe to your household (Savings)
•    10% – Tithe to your vision (ministry, business venture, project, missions etc…)
•    70% – Live off the rest

What are some of your thoughts on how to build healthy financial boundaries for you and your household?

Boundaries & Accountability – Part 2 (Tech Toys)

One of the biggest distractions for leaders and their families is an over emphasis on technology. In other words, if you can’t sit down and have dinner with your family without checking your Blackberry, Facebook or Twitter, you have some serious issues you need to work out.

I believe one of the most important things we can do as a innovative-leading generation is put boundaries with our tech toys. Technologies that are used for communication and marketing for business and ministry are meant to be used as a TOOL, not an ADDICTION.

Some things I would try:
•    No tech interruptions and net surfing during family time. (Turn off all iPhones, Blackberries, Twitters, Facebook’s and blogs)
•    Take a break from blogging ever so often (Guest bloggers are great!)
•    When you’re on vacation, don’t check emails
•    Take one day per week where you step away from all tech toys including email and twitter.

What are you doing in your life to place healthy boundaries with your tech toys? What would you suggest for others? When would you make exceptions?

Your Thoughts?

Boundaries & Accountability – Part 1 (Plagiarizing Leaders)

The most effective leaders I know are those that have strong boundaries around their personal life. Today, I want to talk about plagiarism among leaders. I’ve been involved in ministry for over 10 years and it’s amazing to me of how many pastors plagiarize when they write and develop their sermons.

It is said, “If a pastor copies from one source, it’s plagiarizing. If he copies from multiple sources, he’s researching.” How pathetic.

Now, I’m not against researching if it’s used with integrity. Since equipping leaders with resources is a big part of what I do, I consider myself a content distributor. Which means I have a passion to expose young leaders to other pastors, churches, business tools and resources in the Body of Christ globally. But, when I do this, credit is always given.  I believe it is important that we give credit where credit is due.

Giving credit to a leader does several things:

  1. It gives honor to the leader or organization who came up with the idea
  2. It shows humility and security
  3. It exposes your audience to other leaders, thinkers, pastors and churches.
  4. It removes any doubt of copying

The most dangerous thing about plagiarizing, especially in ministry is that it proves that you have not been spending enough time in God’s Word or in His presence. It also proves that you have stopped learning. If you are a leader and you have stopped spending time in God’s Word and have stopped learning, then you have stopped growing.

Your Thoughts?